Country Should Consider Education a Priority : KRMSS
There is a need to consider
education a first priority to root out
all the evils. It was the common
opinion expressed by various
scholars and academicians who
participated in Round Table
Discussion on Draft National
Education Policy Organised by
Karnatak Rajya Mahavidyalaya
Shaikshik Sangh in collaboration
with KLE’s Technological University.
The Vice Chancellor Dr Ashok
Shettar opined that there should be
more autonomy for higher
education institutes in the country.
He opposed the idea of creating
Indian Education Services because
it may lead to unnecessary
interference. He said the use of ICT
should be clearly defined.
Professor SS Patagundi spoke on
Structure of Public Universities. He
stated that the appointments of
VCs and Teachers should be free
from political interference. Dr Harish
of Karnatak University spoke about
the research and innovations. He
emphasized the need for quality
research. He advocated the need
for 100 standard research centers
in the country. Prof. Chachadi felt
the need for spending 6.5% of GDP……..
For details Please check Oct-2016 Manthan